Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Catalonia: History of Independence

Catalonia History of Independence1.0 Abstract Catalonia is a historically supressed persona at heart Spain. After 1975, when the dictator Francisco Franco died it allowed for a new democratic Spain. This has resurfaced Catalan Nationalism. Most recently the Catalan vicinity has called for a legal referendum in 2017, as the one held in 2014 was deemed illegal. Democracy tell aparts priority indoors the region which has created increased tensions and potential for violence. The report showed there has been an increase in violence and that the governance and futurity threats atomic number 18 key c oncerns. The report highlights the grievances at heart the region, that subscribe to been accumulating. 2.0 Introduction Europe is experiencing modern day separationism, with surely over 25 active separatist movements. Spain is the well-nigh divided commonwealth in spite of appearance Europe having experienced the intimately civic state of wars of each country. Catalonia is t he most profitable region in the north west of Spain do more or less 20 billion a family (BBC news 2013). They drive recently called for a nonher referendum in 2017 after having achieved an attendance step during the last referendum in 2014 from the population of 30% of the 7.5 million. The polls from 2014 gaged an opinion that is in favour of independence for the region. The poll was deemed illegal by the Spanish government, which imparted in Arthur mass, Catalonias president, being arrested and numerous other legal cases against the Catalan politicians (The Guardian 2016). The protests, so far, have been peaceful however it has been assumed that this whitethorn not continue as an emergence of sequestration could continue as theo boundd base upon the past and become violent. Many other places such as Scotland, who atomic number 18 allied in methods with Catalonia, called for a referendum in 2014 with a concluding vote of no and to stay within the United Kingdom (The fin ancial times 2014) Most recently with 2016 the United Kingdom parted with the European substance, in an event termed Brexit. The votes for Brexit were broken up into regions, Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to stay within the European union which has resurfacing a call for a referendum from Scotland to be held in 2017. inside Northern Ireland the vote has caused talks around a united Ireland or for Northern Ireland to become independent. With the success of Brexit, the European union is not being presented in a positively. Withinthis report the tern nation is going to be examined within theoretical andhistorical contexts to better sympathize the separatist movement withinCatalonia. A field based analysis was conducted to gather the opinions of theCatalan population on the notion of independence and whether they think it allowbe obtained peacefully.3.0 Research context To regard the current situation within Catalonia its place within theories mustbe examined. Nationalism is d elimitate as a policy-making programme. It consists ofgroups of pot who define as nations who form territorial states that have asingle language (Hobshawm and Kertzer, 1992). Renan in (1882) state within hisspeech that a nation was a group of pluralityunited by a mis flummoxn view almost the past and a hat bolshie of their neighbours. Thisnation joins biographies to have one common historical memorial (Calhoun1993). Nations and nationalism keister be acomplex definition with more theories on how it happens. Benedict Anderson (1983) differs in views with manyscholars by seeing nationalism as an imaginary political community. He statesthat Communities are to be distinguished, not by their falsity/genuineness, butby the style in which they are imaginedErnest Gellner (1983) said that nationalism is primarily apolitical principle that holds the political and the national unit should becongruent. Gellner believes that nationalism was roughthing that the modernworld needed sociol ogically and mainly focuses on modernisation andindustrialisation. Anthony smith was a critic of Gellner governing that he hadmisread the relationship that is between industrialisation and nationalism(Smith 1989). Smith (1989) is quotes to say that the modern world had becomeinconceivable and unintelligible without nations and nationalismBruielly(1982) shows more of an academic approach and states that when intellectuals orprofessionals miss out on central flight opportunities this may lead to arise in national ideology. Nationalism to him is portrayed by essence ofintellectuals as unsuccessful professionals. This is like Kedouries theoryabout indigenous intellectuals in colonial societies and how they too turned tonationalism. The abundance of intellectuals and inability for society to findthem suitable roles may explain why they turn to nationalism. (Kedourie 1960)Nairn(1977) however, approaches nationalism in a study from a Marxist perspective.He considers nationalism to be a bourgeois phenomenon which asshole be seen to be a crossway of the disparities within capitalism (Nairn 1977). The continuation ofnationalism is refered with the interests of the bourgeois (Anderson 2006).Foc utiliseon Europe, Woodrow Wilsons had a bigger impact on the Versailles calm host that began outside of capital of France in 1919.He had a plan to divide Europe it into ethnic-linguistic territorial states.The project was impracticable as well as dangerous, the approach of this feat wouldhave been mass expulsion and genocide (Hobshawm 1992). However, a nation cannotbe born theyre made in response to international incentive and power policies(Fearon 2004). Nationalism has been the source of anxiety and conflict inEuropean story (Coppieters 2010). Borgen (2010) states that there werecurrently twenty to twenty-five separatist movements across the continent. Themovements may be based upon cultural and political issues and the majority arenon-violent. Separatism is mainly data linked to nationalism and their ideologies.There have been two consecutive waves of separatism. In the 1950s the startleseparatist movement began with the decolonisation of the world, this questionedthe legitimacy of boundaries that establish under colonialism. This was closelyfollowed by the second which happened at the end of the cold war in the 1960stoward the beginning of democratisation in the 1980 and 1990s. The second wavewas surrounded by the suppression of citizenrys rights and liberties under thecommunist governments (Schaeffer 1998, Agnew 2001).late(a)separatist movements like that in Yugoslavia from 1991- 2001 were driven by thecommon notion of an economic disparity. This movement was against the state asthey failed to deal with this, however there was in any case territorial divisionswithin the state that showed internal colonialism based upon ethnicity andnationality (Agnew 2001)Guibernau(2000) sees nation states as a cluster of institutions that are defined andgoverned by the state. Stateless nations can hump cultural or political self-sufficiency based upon the states decision. In most cases within a region that istrying to be key their nation, the political issues that have arisen arebased upon earlier governmental experiences of nation building. States andnations that are trying to establish are understood to be real communities withimperishable collectivises. (Brubaker 1996)Toestablish friendly cohesion for a nation building project a common individualism mustbe established, linguistic campaigns are a powerful tool in doing this. Itallows for people to bring the communities panics together by reducingembarrassment about speaking a native language.(Webber 1991 Trueta 2008)TheCatalan region in the North West of Spain during the Franco regime (1939-1975)had languages and identities supressed along with other regions. This thenmeant that Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, had suffered neglect. Hisregime created tensions in the countrys political system. It believed that Spainconsists of ethnically defined identities in several regions (Bylan 2014). Whendemocracy was restored after 1975, there had been a shift towards expressingthe regional identities. The Catalan region sees itself as an independentmetropolis (Mellon,2008) Inhistory by 1898, the ultranationalistic movements of Catalonia and the Basque countryhad emerged in wanting their own identity, these sources of national identitythreatened the hegemonic position of Spanish nationalism (Muro 2005 PozoAndrs and Braster 1999). Basque and Catalan nationalist movements however inmore recent times within Spain have unified this Spanish nationalism again(Muro 2005). Spain is not however a dinner gown federation it is a unitary state that has given devolving power toseventeen autonomous communities and two autonomous cities in a system that iscalled the state of autonomies (Bylan 2014). Thisis un diverseiated with the theory that contemporary separatism i s the product ofthe rise in modern nationalism and that they are overcoming the previous nationbuilding project. Today in Catalonia, the current project is to build trueCatalan culture through with(predicate) language as this is the ultimate expression. (Illas,2014). Catalonians withal express this through rituals and festivities such as humantowers (Castells) (Giner 1980). The separatist movement had been mainly led bylinguistics and a traversed configuration with rallies in 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014that have distributor pointd a transformation in separatism (Illas 2014). The modern-daydisparities of the Catalan people are based upon their history. 4.0 Historical context Tounderstand fully where Catalonia fits within the nation-building theories it isimportant to understand the common historical autobiography within the state. Startingwith the 14th century within Catalonia, there was political andeconomic decline, receivable to the successive waves of the great plague. By 13 65Catalonia has lost half a million people, and in the 15th centuryBarcelona had its lower ever population. (Giner 1980). During the 15thcentury the Catalan capital was gripped by the civil war. The maritime powerthat once existed there was starting to decline. (Giner 1980). Now, there was atransition from early medieval contractually to liberal societies who have moreof an individualistic approach. Elliot (1963) mentions the revolt of thereappears between 1640- 1652, when the Catalan people united due to castilegiving them harsh treatment. Thewar of succession in Spain happened between 1702 to 1714. Barcelona resisted unificationand was besieged in march 1713 (Guibernau, 2000) Felipe V reinforced a fort (theCiutadella) so Barcelona could be watched. He illegalizened writing and teaching inCatalan and distributed Catalonias possessions to great powers (Webber, 1991)This abolished Catalan rights and liberties and they were subject to regimeoccupation (Gibernau 2000 Gibernau 2014). T he events that took place startedthe process of national integration and state-building within Catalonia (Moreno1988)In the18th century the Spanish economy was based around agriculture. TheNapoleonic violation devastated the country and lead to political instability(Patrick 2016). Catalonia made positive gains with the urban middle classes andcreated confidence. Barcelona was then transformed into the capital of asociety that was industrialising and modernising (Webber 1991). Defeudalizationwas happening around this time. Spain was in the process of homogenisationunder the bourbons. They forcibly usualised the Castilian law and the institutions,they were creating a modern centralised state and this was completed in 1812.(Giner,1980) The trade unionmovement after World War One was led by the Confederacin Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) whichhad 80& of the cities bunkers. Between 1919 and 1920 there was a wave ofstrikes and union leadership were eliminated. Dictator General Miguel prim o Riverahad conflicting views on the working-class radicalism (Giner 1980) Riverasrepression ended in 1930, he did not successfully stop the unity in Catalonia. In1931 the formation of a Spains republic this was driven by the EsquerraRepublicana de Catalunya. The leftist popular front in 1936 won genuineautonomy (Guibernau 2014 Illas 2014). The class system of the society at thattime was a product of the successive waves of industrialisation and advances inurbanisation. (Giner 1980). The genuineautonomy that was gained by the Catalonians was short lived as the result ofthe Spanish civil war between 1936-1939.After Francisco Francos Victory in thewar he imposed a pro-fascist and militarised Spain, laying emphasize on Castileas the ethnic core of the nation (Muro 2005). The Franco regime between1939-1975 supressed the languages and identities of the Catalonian people(Webber 1991). During this time persecutions took place of Intellectuals andlanguage speakers. The education system feat ured no Catalan and the street names were changed to Castilian Spanish (Marinzel 2014). Francoist propagandachanged the narrative of the civil war to be that of a crusade and comradedleftists and anti-Spain figures as a cancer of the nation that needed to becured (Richards 1998) The Catalonianpopulation increased with massive migrations from deprived areas in other partsof Spain during the 1960s and 1970s (Serrano 2013). During this time,Catalonian separatism was emerging again as a political opposition to thedictatorship. They rivalled in literature and the arts which moulded theCatalan identity (Muro 2005). After Francos death in 1975, a central part of theregional policy was to promote the Catalan language. In 1978 Catalonian wasdefined as a democratic state within the new Spanish constitution which hadgranted autonomy (Giberneau 2000). This allowed for the Catalan people tochange the educational system and policies within the region. In 1975 online60% of people in Catalonia spe ak Catalan whereas in 2001, 76% of Cataloniansspoke Catalan (Borgen 2010). Regional feelings for Catalan nationalism rose inthe 1990s and early 2000s, with it being rated sixth amid Spanish autonomouscommunities (Moreno 2001). Patterns of similar relationships between identityand independence emerge (Muro 2005 Serreno 2013).5.0 Discussion Nationalismchanges all the rules a nations existence is based upon the past experiencesand it challenges historians to decide a nations existence. History however isnot as clear as would believe and interpretations and narratives can bedifferent (Marino 2002). Modern day nationalism may be overcoming the previousnation-building project. Catalonians hope to achieve this by assertion of theirown culture (Illas 2014). The region has been suppression numerous times asmentioned and the clear territory and history that define it as a nation are evident(Smith 1998). In thefight for independence Catalonia is aware that that staying a part of theEuropean un ion is important, as there are bullnecked ties with Spain and theEuropean single market. With the situation in Catalonia baring resemblance tothat in Scotland and the Catalan foreign affairs minister recognises that itshould too have the right to vote in a legal referendum as that would stay trueto democracy and a constitution is a text that is written under certaincircumstances, these circumstances can change. (The guardian 2016)Brexitin the UK isnt good news as it questions the European project. An MP calledCiudadanos accused the separatist movement of removing the state out of the 21stcentury. antecedently however other politicians such as Mr Fernandez wouldwelcome an exit from the EU as he sees it as being ruled by capitalists. (TheIndependent 2015) Therise in separatism and the need for independence grows stronger as the Catalangovernment fight for responsibility for taxation and spending policy (Boylan2015). Previous grievances have molded Catalonia culture and the desire tor eturn to being an autonomous region is still wanted. The Catalans may fallinto Renans definition in 1882 of a nation agroup of people united by a mistaken view about the past and a hatred of their neighboursas the public polls shine a rise of opinion of violence in the region. ArthurMas the former president hopes that his prosecution for the illegally deemedpoll will also be a yell for the cause of independence from Spain (The Financialtimes 2017). 6.0 Field based analysis 6.1 Methodology 6.1.1 Day 1 Observational study oflandscape Figure 1 The route that was taken on the first day during the streetscape observational exercise Thestreetscape of Barcelona needed to be understood. A transect of the area wascarried out in humble groups. These groups cover different areas all meetingback at the same point at the Sagrada Familia, the route can be seen in figure1. Theresults of the small groups were feature to gain a large-scale view of thearea. Along this route elements that are see n to represent the Catalan conflictwere taken note of. The different types of flags, graffiti, street names andpolitical posters and murals along with anything else that could be seen topotentially represent the conflict were recorded. Within a table format theroute walked was recorded along with where the observation occurred and a smalldiscussion was help to note the implications of what we had seen. Thedifferences in areas we walked through was say as the route lead to a touristarea however was through mainly residential streets.6.1.2 Day 2 Historical Narrative Aguided walk through the city was undertook to identify the monuments that maycommemorate previous conflicts. Along the walk the date in which the monumentwas erected was taken down, along with what it was and what it iscommemorating. The reason behind doing this was to analyse how culture andhistory is withdrawed within Barcelona. Certain aspects of the monuments werenoted such as what way the history is shown and If t he monument represents oneside more. Togauge an idea of the historical narrative Barcelona was trying to perceive, 3historical sites were visited. These were the Catalan museum, El Borne centreand memorial democratic. The sites were visited to understand the story theyare telling. A similar study was undertaken by Breen et al (2016), andobservations were noted such as, is there anything that is not present withinthe museum? Is there any important messages they are trying to highlight? Isthere a main language? To seewhether the people within the museum either working or visiting understood itsrole, a semifinal structured interview was carried out. The questions asked recorded theirunderstanding of the role, if heritage plays a role in Catalan separatism and whetherany part of the centre was controversial. 6.1.3 Day 3- Semi- Structured Interviews Amethod of semi structured interviews was carried out to collect qualitativeselective information on the publics perceptions of important issues with Catalonia whilstgathering information about the person in question. The questions that wereasked wereAre you from this neighbourhood?What is your first language?Did you vote in the last referendum?Were you content with the outcome?Do you think Catalonia will gain independence?Do you think this will be achieved peacefully?Thesequestions were asked to gather information on, the nationality of the person,the language in which they see to be their language, their politicalparticipation, their views about the last referendum and views on futureindependence for the state along with how possible violence will be. Cohenand Crabtree (2006) have shown the benefits of using semi structured interviewsas you will only get to speak with that person one time. They also highlightthe importance of it being undertaken by small groups as they collect the sameinformation to show the varied opinion over a large area. The results arecomparable and the results are collated. With a large sampl e taken the resultscould be representative public opinion and could be compared with polls thathave been previously taken. This will show how the opinions in the region havechanged over time. The route that was taken can be seen in figure 2. Figure 2 Route taken and main stops while conducting semi structured interviews. 6.1.4 Day 4- Quantitative DataAquantitative data collection in the form of a social photograph survey.Social vulnerability shows which elements of society are worrying the most. Thesurvey had a scoring system included the value 1 meaning that they strongly agreewith the statement and 5 representing strongly disagree. The statementsrepresented the social, economic, environmental and political situations alongwith opinions on the future of Catalonia.This type of survey was conducted in small groups again and allowed theresults to be combined and numerically represented. The triangulation of multiplemethods stated within Duffys (1987)s topics shows that this method gives acomplete collection approach. 7.2 Observations and Results 7.2.1 Street Observational Survey Fromthe transect that was carried out general observations were made. The city hasundergone times of suppression and conflict and from the observationsgeneralities were made as things detect could be expressions of nation-hood. Hans Christian Andersen in 1862, commented on Barcelonaby saying that the city was the Paris of Spain. The first notable feature wasthat of the layout of the streets, the city consists of grand octagonal blocks.Antoni Gaudi has a huge influence on the architecture of Barcelona, with many Catalanpeople they associate his work with a period called Renaixena, which tried toshow better times (Giner 1980). He has become a symbol of the city.TheFlags that were on the residential buildings held much deduction to how theystood politically. The flags that presented Catalonia were mainly blendn onbuildings that were residential with the souvenir shops that sold the fl agsonly stocking Catalan related items. The flags within the residential areadiffered, from the slogan that was upon it to whether it had a star present. Theycan send a political message and are used in campaigns. It is a tool in whichthe Catalan people are not algophobic to change, with a flag holding greatsignificance to a group of people, they are willing to alter the flag to send astrong political message (Borgen, 2010). Alongside the Catalan flag EU flagswere found, this says that the Catalan people are scared that with independencecome an exit from the single market. This is a strong incentive to stay withinthe unified state of Spain (Patrick 2016). Scotland holds close parallels insituations with Catalonia. The British government has also driven nationalismin the last referendum with the fear of go forth the European Union. TheScottish flag was observed on the transect showing the close similarities. TheCatalan flags declined in numbers when leaving the residential area pr incipaltowards the centre. The buildings in the centre had more Spanish flags as thesewere mainly political or service providing premises such as hotels (figure 3a). The Spanish flag should beflown on a Spanish building and if that place is not meant to have a politicalview, then both flags would be outside of the building. two flags wereobserved on hotels and tourist areas. Insome areas both flags of region and state were also seen, this shows loyalty toan area. For example,a bacelonetta flag seen in figure 3b Figure 3 (A) Spanish flag being flown outside of the Military building in Las Ramblas. (B) Barcelonetta regional flag. Thestreet names were in Catalan with many commemorating people who have beeninfluences from Catalan (figure 4a).The Sagrada Familia has taken a century to complete, still not being finished.The architect of the building is Antoni Gaudi it is a statement of the Catalanculture and is the most visited place within Spain. Throughout the streetscape we encounter edpolitical graffiti that was around the city voiced the political opinions ofpeople within the community who wanted that message to be shown (figure 4b). Figure 4 (A) street sign with dedication to a self-acclaimed Catalonian. (B) Graffiti that reads Anti-Fascist Area. 7.2.2 MonumentsMonumentsplay an important role in who society idealises as symbols of culture.Barcelona has many monuments that were observed to understand their politicalmessage for an independent Catalonia. Theplaza de Torro monumental is a bull fighting ring that existed in the 20thcentury. The building is influences by Islamic design replicating dcor fromthe previous 8th century invasion from north Africa. The building at present has been repurposed as a museum due to the recent ban from Catalonia in2012 for bull fighting (The guardian 2011). This is extremely important as theyhad ended a 600-year-old tradition within Spain, stepping away from theculture. The Universal exhibition was held in Barcelonain 1888. The triomf was to symbolise victory and national pride. The Arc linksBarcelonas medieval past with its future. Beyond the arc lies the park, withthe Catalan parliament building residing within the parks grounds. The park hasa Zoo and an elaborate fountain which at the time was put in place to show howadvanced the people of Barcelona were. desire many other cities have done in thepast, such as Paris. The Main Cascada monument is a grand projectthat took place for the 1888 universal exposition and a small contributor to itwas Antoni Gaudi. The grand waterfall features goddesses showing idealisingwomen and sexism that existed at that time. A band stand within the Cuitedella Park wasdedicated in 1991 to a transgender teen who was killed. This emphasized thecities progressive attitudes to social problems. The Als Voluntaris Catalanstatue in the Cuitedella park is dedicated to the volunteers of the first andsecond war. The monument was subject to violations during the Franco regimewith its implements of war being cut off in 1952. The internal flame (Fossar de les Moreres) wasobserved within in gothic quarter and is a contested symbolism, as it is seento be site of the graveyard for the fallen during the siege of Barcelona in 1714.This site for Catalonians is a reminder of the homage. On the 11thof September (ladeada) people gather to this space to remember the battle. Thesymbolism is contested but it is used to further the nation building project. 7.2.3 Museum overview Tounderstand the historical narrative that was being projected upon the Catalanpeople, three institutions were visited to understand how they wererepresenting the history of their culture. The first site visited was theChristopher Columbus statue. This statue was erected for the Universalexpedition in Barcelona in 1888. Groups of anti-capitalist councillor inBarcelona however said that the city should not be celebrating the explorerscolonial legacy (The Guardian 2016). The emphasises the Catalonians fe elingstoward colonialization and suppression. Thesecond Museum that was visited was the Catalan museum, the levelled institutionhas 3 floors which displayed a different time within Catalan history, from thebottom floor up it contained the history from the roman times to the top flowhaving recent achievements from the 21st century. An observationmade was the fact that within the Catalan museum the paint on the walls werered and black, the colours of the anarchists. This may not have beenintentional but could be a subliminal message as within the museum the Catalanculture was celebrated. Franco is not liked within the museum. From the semi,structured interviews conducted a worker of the museum stated that Spanishpeople will say that the museum is a lie, however the intended audience is theCatalan people and the international community. A museum worker was quoted insaying that the museum celebrated his heritage and that it has influence inthe separatist movement. Sympatheticlanguage wa s used within the Catalan museum a phrase observed in the Franco dictatorshipsection said the unmistakable aim of Francoism was to strip Catalonia of itsnationhood strong language was focused upon within the museum. Descriptivewords were mentioned in nearly every time that contained suppression ofCatalonias identity. Another example of this read in the museum was languagewas a decelerate and uneven process. The Catalonian history is showing the notion ofseparatism by identifying themselves as different from the Spanish, A person atthe museum was quoting in saying that the Spanish believe that this is allmade up showing Spains undeniable unwillingness to accept Catalonia as anation. Whereas museums are understood to be some of the key places thatdeliver the message of what a nation is (Ashworth et al 2007)The el born centre showcases the streetscapewithin Barcelona during the 18th century. This streetscaperepresents Barcelona in a time when they had independence from Spain, thearcha eologists could have kept excavating and gotten to a roman street. Theystopped on purpose to give a utopian image of a time of independence when itwas a vibrant multicultural marketing town. This gave the visualisation thatthere were greenspaces with music and food in the once internationally tradingtown. This is a clear political message of culture and heritage used at the ElBorne (Breen at al 2016) It has been argued that the visitor of a museum willconnect to the personal account of the narrative that is being told (Fladmark2015). People had been quoted in saying that the centre had beencontroversial. An exhibition was spoken about that featured Franco and hisdictatorship, the Exhibition was meant to last for a couple of months howeverit took the Catalan 4 days from when it started to have it removed. Thehostility and want to forget the dark period of Francos dictatorship isevident in their actions. The importance of these institutions is topromote culture. These centres could be understood to b a part of thenation-building narrative which are in line with the core set of grievancesthat are within Catalonia (Breen at al 2016) 7.2.4 GrievancesCatalonia has a key set of grievances towardsthe Spanish state shown in Figure 5.A few of these issues are going to be discussed. Figure 5- grievance model visually showing the key set of grievances within Catalonia. A key issue in the region is how the money thatthe state produce is used. Economically Catalonian has had historicalgrievances with the state, first starting with the Catalan bourgeois and modernindustrialisation in the 19th century. Spain believe that Cataloniaare financial parasites that dont provide enough for Spain. Catalonia todayhas a fiscal deficit of 9.76%, this is highest taxed region in Europe. Thepeople of Catalonia feel exploited as they cannot control their own fundingwhen new services are needed within the state. Barcelona is the most visitedregion within Spain. The media and television play a large part inleft and right wing narratives. A nation state emphasize political views thisway. Gellner stressed the importance of communication in societies, the powerto control the media modifies culture and is necessary for the homogenisationof the state. (Gellner 1983)Sport is an important cultural event for Catalanpeople. The Barcelona football club during Francoism was a representation ofthe Catalan nationalism and resistance against the dictatorship (Giberneau2000) Sport is a powerful means of expressing identity (Trueta 2008). At the 17thminute and 14th second, the crowd will stand and shout Independenceas this date is representative of the last year they were an autonomous state.Language is important when expressing cultureand the use of a language can indicate your current feelings politically(Woolard 1984). The Catalan language as mentioned through the report has beensupressed, driving the need for the language to be expressed and recognisedinternationally. 7.2.5 Surveyr esults A qualitative survey method was undertaken to test the hypothesisof will Catalonia resort to violence togain independence. The results of the surveys are below (Table 1) Table 1 Combined group results of qualitative survey. Table 1 Combined group results of qualitative survey. Theresults obtained from the combined groups matches those gathered from theCatalan government in their recent poll. With the representative sample sizeand closely comparable results the figures gathered are reliable. The surveywas conducted in English however the fluency in Catalan and birthplace readyd majorly their identity (Webber 1991) which would be closely linkedwith how they would feel about independence. The difference in percentagebetween the two opposing opinions (independence vs no independence) is not thathigh. The surprising figure is that of violence, with many key events happeningin the last 12 months such as the arrest of Arthur Mas, change would be assumed.Triggers such as that would p rovoke a sense of undermining and this mayincrease the likely hood of violence. Historically within Catatonia has hadsuch events. Figure 6 shows an ice berg model, which is a visual representationof some key events in Catalan history. From the results obtained the mediationstage was considered as the point of conflict Catalonia as both sides have notyet concluded what they want. Figure 6 Key moments in recent Catalan history that has led to a rise in separatism within the state, key events are symbolled. 5.2.6 Social Vulnerability SurveyTheseresults are those obtained from quantitative surveys (figure 7). The thoroughgoing number of respondents was 139. Figure 7 Social vulnerability pentagon, highlighting main worries. Thecloser the result is to the centre the more of an issue they feel as though itis. With the survey showing that people are worried about the governance,environment and future threats gives an idea of the key grievances today. Theeconomy is not a worrying agent a s there has been on the rise since 2008 afterthe recession. The social aspects of life are not worrying factors in society. Inregards to the environment, water is not equally dispersed across the region.The summer months also bring a lot of pollution as tourists leave litter, whichwas pointed out by a shop steward during an interview. 5.3 Conclusion Toconclude, Catalonia has been experiencing separatism for many generations. Theconflict so far within the state has remaining non-violent however this figurecould change. The rise in percentage of people who believe violence will startechoes the increasing political tensions however 15% is not enough to acceptthe hypothesis stated as 85% do not believe there will be a need to resort toviolence. The politicians are becoming impatient waiting on a referendum whenother democratic places such as Scotland have been allowed to do so, with themnot being allowed it feels as though the Franco influences have not yetdisappeared. This is reflect ed on the social vulnerability results withgovernance scoring low. 5.4 Recommendations Thekey recommendations for peace within the region are Allowingthe Catalan government, the ability to reinvest the budget which will help in up(p) infrastructure. Themedia needs to have an unbiased opinion. Fiscaldeficit needs improved and theres a lot of tension towards Spain and theuneven taxingGentrificationof city centre, leaving the city centre inhabitable by people who would beworking in the city. Toallow for an official referendum. BibliographyAgnew,J., 2001. Regions in revolt. Progress in Human Geography, 25(1), pp.103111. Anderson,B. 1983 Imagined Communities Reflections on the Origin and Spread ofNationalism London Verso. AndersonB (2006) Imagined Communities Reflections on the Origin and Spread ofNationalism, revised edn. London VersoAshworth, G.J., Graham, B.J. and Tunbridge,J.E., 2007.Pluralising pastsheritage, identity and place in multicultural societies. 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When congestion occurs in network the Quality of service will disturb which is an important feature in sending data from node to another. When caramel brown well over the big bucks drops so it would increase the energy consumptions of a sensor as the packets need to be retransmitted. Higher packet drops will also reduce the throughput of the data. Some multimedia data such as voice and video are critical to time delay 1. Thus, congestion needs to be controlled to ensure that the end-to-end delay is also minimized.2. Active queue management (AQM)The role of Active Queue Management (AQM) in IP networks was to balance the work of end-system protocols such as the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) in congestion control hence to enlarge network utilization, and limit packet loss and delay.2 AQM is a arrangement which shares bandwidth fairly and control congestion over the routers/internet. According to the congestion metric active queue management has classified in to queue duration based, load based and queue length and load based.Fig.2. Classification of AQM scheme. 3Congestion is observed by average queue length in queue based schemes, and the control aspires to stabilize the queue length. The downside of queue based scheme is that a b acklog is inherently required. Load based schemes precisely predict the utilization of the link, and determine congestion and take actions based on the packet arrival rate. Rate-based schemes can grant Early feedback for congestion. The goals of the load based AQMs are to alleviate rate pair between enqueue and dequeue, and achieve low loss, low delay and high link utilization. The third AQM scheme is the combination of load based and queue length which bank bill congestion and get a tradeoff between queues stability and responsiveness. 3In this paper we just discussed the queue length based and load based briefly.3. AQMs ground On Queue Length Merit.3.1. Random Early maculation (RED).The main objectives of RED is to minimize packet loss and queuing delay, avoid global synchronization of sources, bear high link utilization, and remove biases against bursty flows. RED avoids congestion early and delivers congestion notification to the end source and allows them to reduce the tra nsmission rate before overflow occurs. To reduce the delay of flows RED keeps the queue size full. RED maintains an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) of the queue length which is used to detect early congestion. When average queue length greater than min threshold, packets are randomly dropped or marked with explicitly congestion notification (ECN). 45 When average queue length greater max threshold all packets are dropped or marked.Fig.3. RED algorithm 33.2. FRED (Fair random early detection)FRED is modified version of RED therefore it reduces the seediness of RED. Inside the internet route FRED maintains state information for every flow. When different types of traffic shares one link, RED allows unfair bandwidth sharing because RED does not take the bandwidth utilization of the flow into account when move packets. The author proposes FRED as solution. The main objective of fair random flow is to provide different strategies of dropping to different kind of flows. F lows that take more bandwidth shall be isolated where as low speed and bursty flows should be protected and safe from dropping. survey2FRED maintains queue size of per flow and drops packets conditionally comparing per flow queue size with average per flow queue. Fig.4. FRED Algorithm 43.3. dampen (Choose and Keep for responsive flows, Choose and Kill for unresponsive flows)In the CHOKE algorithm a packet is drawn randomly from FIFO buffer whenever a new packet arrived at congestion router. This packet is compared with newly arriving packet. Both packets are dropped if it belongs to the same flow, otherwise the new incoming packet is confessed into the buffer with a probability that depends on the level of congestion and the randomly chosen packet is kept intact. CHOKE is simplest and stateless algorithm which does not provide any special data structure. However when the number of flows is large compared to the buffer space than this algorithm performance is not well. 6 Fig.5. CHOK E algorithm4. AQM on load based.4.1. BLUE A New Class of Active Queue Management Algorithms.RED queue length gives very little information about the number of competing connections in a shared link. BLUE overcome the drawbacks of RED by using packet loss and link idle events for protecting TCP flows against non-responsive flows. 1 BLUE, basically is a different active queue management algorithm which uses packet loss and link utilization history to manage congestion.BLUE keep up a single probability, which it uses to mark or drop packets when they are queued. If the queue is frequently dropping packets due to buffer overflow, BLUE increments the marking probability, therefore increasing the rate at which it sends back congestion notification. On the other hand, if the queue becomes empty or if the link is idle, BLUE decreases its marking probability.The main purpose of using BLUE is that congestion control can be performed with a least amount of buffer size. Other algorithms like RE D need a large buffer size to attain the same goal. 7 Fig.6. BLUE Algorithm.4.2. SFED Selective Fair Early DetectionSelective fair early detection is an easy to implement rate control based AQM discipline which can be joined with any plan discipline. It maintains a token set for every flow or comprehensive flows. The token filling rates are in proportion to the allowable bandwidths. The tokens are removed from the corresponding bucket whenever a packet is enqueued. The decision to enqueue or drop a packet of any flow depends on the occupancy of its bucket at that time. A sending rate higher than the permitted bandwidth results in low bucket occupancy and so a larger drop probability gum olibanum indicating the onset of congestion at the gateway. This ensures the adaptive flow to attain a steady state and prevents it from getting penalized severely. However non-adaptive flows will continue to send at the same rate and thus will suffer more losses. The rate at which the tokens are removed from bucket of a flow is equal to the rate of incoming packets of that flow, but the rate of addition of tokens in a bucket depends on its permitted share of bandwidth and not on the rate at which packets of that particular flow are dequeued. In this way token bucket controls the bandwidth consumed by a flow.8.4.3. FABA Fair adaptive bandwidth allocationFABA is the extension of SFED and can be coupled with any simplest scheduling discipline like FCFS first in first served). FABA has many objectives likeIt allocates fair bandwidth amongst flows.It can avoid congestion by early detection and notification,It has low implementation complexity.Easy extension to provide differentiated services.FABA deals with both adaptive and non-adaptive traffic while providing incentive for flows to incorporate end-to end congestion control. It uses a rate control based mechanism to achieve fairness amongst flows at a router. 9 As in random early detection (RED), congestion is detect early and notified to the source.Table.1. Strength and Weakness of AQM Algorisms.It had any scheduling disciplineFABAVery high complexity, computation.6. Conclusion In this paper we have state the term AQM and its algorithms. We have highlighted some of queue length based and queue based algorithm with its strength and weakness.References1 husna zainol abidin , yuslinda wati mohamad yusof,saiful izwan suliman, network using fairness bandwidth allocation. october 2008.2 richelle adams, active queue management a survey, ieee communications surveys tutorials, vol. 15, no. 3, third quarter 20133 c.dhivya1, dharma prakash raj2, survey on load based aqm algorithms, vol.1.issue.2.20134,Ningning Hu, Liu Ren (emailprotected) Jichuan Chang, Evaluation of Queue Management Algorithms, Course Project topic for 15-744 Computer Networks5 dive et al.. Classification and Performance of AQM-Based Schemes for Congestion Avoidance (IJCSIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Secu rity,Vol. 8, No. 1, 20106 CHOKE,a statless queue management scheme for approximating bandwidth allocation.7 BLUE A New Class of Active Queue Management Algorithms, Shiny Department of EECS zNetwork Systems Department University of Michigan IBM T.J. Watson Research Center8Wu-chang Fengy Dilip D. Kandlurz Debanjan y Sahaz Kang G.SFED A Rate Control Based Active Queue Management. IBM India Research Laboratory, New Delhi, India Block 1, Indian Institute of Technology,9Abhinav Kamra a,1, Huzur Saran a, Sandeep Sen a, Rajeev Shorey. Fair adaptive bandwidth allocation a rate control based active queue management discipline. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India. July 2003

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